Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Well, You Reap What You Sew...

Remember in class when I declared my true musings would be about who the really crazy people endorsed, and specifically cited Ann Coulter as one of the endorsers I was interested in. Well, she's announced it: Clinton?

"In the latest sign that a conservative backlash is starting to build against John MCain, conservative commentator Ann Coulter said Thursday she is prepared to vote for Hillary Clinton over the Arizona senator in a general election match up.

Speaking on Fox's "Hannity and Colmes," Coulter took aim at the GOP frontrunner, and suggested he was little more than a Republican in name only.

"If you are looking at substance rather than if there is an R or a D after his name, manifestly, if he's our candidate, than Hillary is going to be our girl, because she's more conservative than he is," Coulter said. "I think she would be stronger on the war on terrorism."

Coulter took aim at McCain's positions — particularly his fervent anti-torture stance — and said he and Clinton differ little on the issues. Coulter also said she is prepared to campaign on Clinton's behalf should McCain win the party's nomination.

"John McCain is not only bad for Republicanism, which he definitely is — he is bad for the country," she said."

Will this deter democratic voters from Clinton by framing her as too conservative, or urge conservatives to vote democratic? More importantly, will these effects balance each other out or will it cause a bigger swing one way over the other?

1 comment:

Daisy said...

Ann Coulter is such a controversial figure for both parties, I'm sure that her 'endorsement' will have some unexpected consequences. It's the beginning of showing just what kind of chaos will ensue during the general election, regardless of who wins the Democratic nomination. As for Hillary, I wonder if she personally takes Coulter's stamp of approval as a compliment or an insult..