Thursday, February 14, 2008

Romney to officially endorse McCain

An article published by CNN reports that sources close to Romeny say he plans to announce is endorsement of McCain this afternoon. Romney wants to help McCain move faster to secure the nomination and unite the party for the general election against the Democrats in November. He will also "release" his delegates to to McCain. Although Romney has admitted to not agreeing with McCain about some issues, he definitely agrees more with McCain than he does with the democratic alternatives.

When Romeny officially left the race last week, he said "I entered this race because I love America, and because I love America. In this time of war I feel I have to now stand aside for our party and for our country." Romney wants members of his party to follow his lead and unite under one candidate, McCain. At this point in the race it is necessary for the party to become a unit and support one candidate if they wish to continue to have their party occupy the White House come November.

1 comment:

taylor said...

Romney's endorsement will definitely inspire his supporters to take a new look at McCain, as well as help the Republican Party realize that it needs to unify. If the Republicans want to win the election in November, they will need to come together in getting as many to the polls as possible, as the Democrats have consistently achieved better turnout in the primary season thus far. In addition, the ex-President Bush has also endorsed McCain. This, theoretically, should help with the older conservative base.