Tuesday, February 12, 2008

A Funny Thing from a Hillary Clinton Interview on Logo

I was watching stand up comedy on Logo (the GLBT cable network) and during a commercial break a Logo corespondent did a brief, brief interview with Hilary Clinton via satellite. It was right after Super Tuesday. Aside from the typical questions about gay interest and her stance on Don't Ask, Don't Tell, he asked one really interesting question and when she answered I just went "LIAR!" in my head. He said that after the debate, he saw her and Obama each whisper something in each other's ears, and he asked what it was they said to one another. Her response was, "oh, just that we're both just so glad that it's over" or something to that effect. Her tone and smile made it seem to infer that the private exchange between them was a mutual sigh of comradery and I was just like, 'yeah, right.' I don't get why politicians feel the need to put a P.R. spin on every little detail, there's nothing wrong with saying "that's private" or making up something more believable like, "we told each other job well done." It made me feel like she was evasive and shady for some reason. I understand that she's trying to shorten the gap between the two candidates to unite the party, but until you're running on the same ticket, try to avoid the "either/or, we're both 100% just as good" mentality. Don't spend weeks berating your opponent only to act like old buddies. Love/Hate is just another way to say Flip/Flop.

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