Monday, February 4, 2008

Hillary's Tears: Weak or Humanizing-- The People Speak

Catching up on some political news, one of the bigger stories is Hillary’s tearing up again, this time at a meeting at Yale Law School. While the article itself was short and straightforward, I found the comments for the article extremely intriguing. The wide spectrum of comments including some of the following notable arguments:


-We shouldn’t have a President that is crying all of the time because we look weak in foreign policy and America doesn’t need “emotional baggage”

-The crying is not genuine and merely to garner more votes

-Crying is an attempt to unfairly manipulate her gender to garner votes.

-Crying in New Hampshire worked---time to try again


-People should be allowed to express emotions—it as an important form of empathy

-She looks less like a robot and more like a human

-Crying when visiting your alma matta is not out of line

-Bush cries too

One of the things I found most interesting is that the majority of the comments were negative. The majority these comments are generally came from males. Personal views aside, it seems as if this could play an important role in Hillary winning votes for becoming less robotic or losing votes by looking like a “weak” or “soft” President given the number of polarizing responses to this article.


JML said...

I feel that Hillary's tears are a major flaw and weakness in her campaign strategy and ability to run the nation. It is not appropriate for her to tear up in order to get votes. Honestly if I did support her from the beginning, I would no longer be able to support her after these emotional displays. There is no crying in politics!!!

taylor said...

I wonder how she would be regarded about her crying if Hillary was a male candidate? I suspect that she would be looked at as weak and not the right person to lead our country, one of the world's super powers.