Monday, February 18, 2008

How Hillary Can Still Win...Or Can She?

Ben Smith wrote an article explaining the strategies that Hillary can use to pull out a win over Obama. He explains that although she has gone from front-runner to underdog, the race is not over and with the many surprises we have seen this campaign, she can definitely come out on top. He explains many strategists say Clinton’s only chance is to continue to bring down Obama for his lack of experience as well as by attacking his readiness to lead. This has been one of her main criticisms of Obama throughout the entire campaign and I don’t know how much of an effect this will have if she continues to make this same attack. I would think that most people have already heard this attack from Hillary on Obama and I’m not sure how much it can help her at this point if it hasn’t helped her already. Smith writes, “There is no secret to where Obama’s weakness lies: Every poll and strategists from both parties have long pointed to both his real and perceived lack of experience.” Smith makes it seem as though this is the only weakness that Hillary can criticize Obama on. If this is the main weakness that people are focusing on, then I would say he must be a strong candidate because “lack of experience” does not make him incapable of being president and it does not seem to be doing too much harm to his campaign. Smith even points out, “Clinton’s attempts to contrast her years in public life with his do not seem to have made an impact so far, and she may be forced to turn up the heat.” I agree; if she wants a chance at winning, she needs to do more than attack Obama on his readiness.

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