Sunday, February 24, 2008

Obama and Republicans Skip 'State of the Black Union'

I, for one, am not quite sure how much of a story Obama's absence at this event is, but I *do* think it's notable who else *didn't* show up...This isn't to say that I'm giving Obama a pass for skipping this event in order to campaign, it's just that I'm pretty sure he's aware of the issues plaguing the black community since he's lived every day of his life as a black man, and he can definitely relate to the black experience. But his absence is a problem, at least for the media, because he's black. Shouldn't the real problem be that no Republicans showed up? And isn't it bad that even the media isn't surprised that no Republicans came to the event? I understand that Republicans have pretty much written off getting black people to vote for them for 40 years now, but I think that not attending events like this perpetuates the stereotype that Republicans don't care about black people or the issues plaguing the black community at all- something that I don't believe is true.

I think that the nature of politics in this country is due for a major change...Our generation holds some different beliefs than our parents, and with this primary season so far, we're seeing that young people aren't holding so tightly to party lines the way our parents are. Now would be a good time for Republicans to try to win some of us back...So why aren't they doing it?

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