Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Dilemma for Women in Choosing Not to Vote for Hillary

For pretty much the entire election process, I have been undecided on who to vote for. Yesterday, while discussing my dilemma with a friend, she sent me the article that had helped her make her decision a few hours before. The article entitled "Women Are Never Front-Runners" campaigns heavily for women to support their gender. Gloria Steinem is worried about how Obama is seen as unifying by his race while she is seen as divisive by her sex. Steinem brings up many strong points on why women should stick by Hillary Clinton. Her points are so strong that when I finished reading the article I was nearly convinced I had to vote for Senator Clinton because it was my responsibility. Reading the last paragraph of the article "This country can no longer afford to choose our leaders from a talent pool limited by sex, race, money, powerful fathers and paper degrees. It’s time to take equal pride in breaking all the barriers." I believed it was my duty to help move forward and support the idea of women running without the title of the "women candidate."
A couple minutes after being swept up into the mindset, I stepped back and really thought about the situation. I came to a few conclusions:
  1. I am not alone in not knowing who to vote for. Obama and Clinton have very similar view points.
  2. This election cannot be about voting for gender or voting for race. Instead, it has to be thought of as a normal political race and people need to vote based on who they think is best to lead this country regardless of race or gender.
  3. A woman not voting for Clinton is not turning her back on her gender. Clinton is the first major female candidate. The fact that she is one of the frontrunners for the Democratic party is a huge step in itself.
  4. Lastly, having nothing to do with the article, but an observation I made in analyzing this article. I find it interesting how most people refer to Senator Clinton by her first name and was wondering others thought about it. Whether or not it was because she's advertised her self like that or if its a sign of disrespect.
Women Are Never Front-Runners, New York Times by Gloria Steinem

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