Friday, February 29, 2008

New Ads

With the big primaries coming up on Tuesday, both Senator Clinton and Senator Obama have launched new ads. We will discuss these on Tuesday. Enjoy!

1 comment:

jgoebel said...

This may be nitpicky, but as the phone rang in Clinton's ad, was anyone else thinking, "Is someone gonna get that??" By the sixth ring I was starting to wonder if the international crisis was going to go to voicemail! A phone going unanswered for so long instinctively makes me anxious (because when it's my own I'm rushing to answer in time), so even though they showed Hillary on the phone at the end, I think it should have rang only twice or so.

Also, here is a link to an Obama ad that parallels Clinton's phone ad directly:

He responds with his usual refrain that judgment is more important than experience.