Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Hey Talk Radio

Hey talk radio, if you wanted Duncan Hunter then why didn’t you say so? You have no one to blame but yourselves for this most public of humiliations. And this pathetic last minute campaign for Mitt Romney is a joke. You know you don’t trust him. That’s why you did not back him the day after South Carolina, much less last spring. All his talk about gay marriage and socialized medicine is Massachusetts tells me that McCain is more conservative, more consistent, and more trustworthy. So here is my suggestion, drop all the rhetoric about how McCain will ruin the party and pretend this never happened. Remind people that you killed the amnesty bill because it is totally believable that you have that level of power. Just let it go. You know you are not going to vote for any Democrat. And you know you are going to vote. So stop saying all these destructive things and go apologies to John McCain.
As for the rest of the Romney people, take CPAC as an opportunity to kiss and make up. Look if Romney was the nominee I would support him in a heart beat. But he is not the nominee so we need to take the time to raise money and rally behind Senator John McCain.

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