Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Mccain sued

I was wondering how the outcome of this lawsuit will affect the Mccain campaign. If the allegations that the Democrats have made against Mccain are in fact true, the amount of money that Mccain can spend before the GOP's September convention will be held at a certain limit. aside from this being detrimental to Mccain's campaign, how will it affect his reputation? Will many assume that he is a cheater? Will many compare him to Bush as winning the election illegitimately? I think that there are many aspects that revolve around this lawsuit that take into account many other factors than just the funding itself.


1 comment:

Anastasia said...

I absolutely agree that the lawsuit filed against McCain is not only targeted to determine legitimacy of his campaign finances but also destroy him as a candidate. If he would be found guilty in manipulating finances to fund his campaign, it would not only show him as a law breaker (not a very nice characteristic for a regular person and definitely not the one we want our president to posses) but also as a promiscuous politician who is capable of breaking the law to achieve his goals. This law suit has a potential to damage McCain’s personal and professional image.