Tuesday, April 1, 2008

I find it surprising. . .

Recently while speaking to students on the college campuses of North Carolina State and Butler University, Chelsea Clinton has faced questions regarding her father's publicly acknowledged infidelity. She was caught off guard by this line of questioning and mentioned in an article that the student at Butler was the first to ask her about the situation out of the 70 colleges she had visited; this surprises me. In an election cycle that is bent on focusing on every possible controversy and facet outside of the actual issues, it seems almost strange that someone has not tried to use the Clinton-Lewinsky scandal in some sort of strategy. In response to the line of questioning Chelsea responded in all seriousness, arguing that the scenario concerning her father and mother is nobody's business, which is understandable. But what amazes me even more than the fact that the question hasn't been asked is that the Clinton campaign didn't take the  opportunity to capitalize on the moment, creating an ad or something immediately after to showcase Clinton's compassionate side, which she has always faced criticism for lacking. Maybe there are still some things that even in the midst of a crucial election, can still retain some semblance of privacy. . . 


taylor said...

I read that article too. I find it hard to believe that no adviser talked to her before the campaign started to discuss possible responses to ay questions about the scandal. I just think that with all of Hillary's experience that she would know to think ahead for that.

Jasmine Hernandez said...

I heard a lot about Chealseas comment. I thought that it was the best move the clinton campaign has made. It was real, honest, and straight to the point. It showed REAL family values, and demonstrated the respect and love she has for her parents. I would have answered in exactly the same manner. Lastly, it showed that integrity was more important to her than POLITICS.