Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Bill is a Genius

I was watching an episode of Glenn Beck that I had recorded from last week when Glenn was on vacation. One of the segments was on a new theory about the of the state of the Clinton campaign. In this segment it was suggested that Bill Clinton is trying to lose this election for his wife and has been trying to do so all along. The idea is that Bill Clinton has the best political mind of anyone alive today. He knew exactly what he was doing when he basically said, Obviously Jesse Jackson won South Carolina, after all he’s won twice before. He knew what he was doing when he let Mark Penn get away with not having a strategy beyond Super Tuesday. He knew exactly what he was saying when he dragged the Sniper fire story back into the news and contradicted her “3 am” advertisement. Bill Clinton does not want to risk being the second best Clinton President. He does not want to be first lady. And most of all, he does not want to be divorced by his wife on national television after he inevitably messes around with an intern. Besides nine out of ten blacks want Barrack Obama to win and it is a strong possibility that Bill Clinton is one of them.

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