Monday, April 7, 2008

Condoleeza Rice for VP?

I heard on the news that there has been speculation about Condoleeza Rice running on the Republican ticket as Vice President. While McCain says that he has not heard anything about this, others are saying that this might be a positive boost to his campaign. Speculators explain that she would be a good vice president and could aid in defeating the democratic opponent. Because issues of gender and race have played a huge role in this year’s campaign, many think that Condoleeza will help defend Republicans in attacks that they are insensitive to these groups. It will also make things more even if there are minorities running in both parties so that neither has an edge against the other. I disagree with focusing on race and gender to win an election, but agree with the idea that no matter a person’s race or gender, we must elect the person who is best equipped to run and lead our country.


ahicks said...

I personally think that Condoleezza is super tight professionally, very talented and very smart...However, if the Republicans think that they'll remove some of the race equation by putting her with McCain, they're dead wrong. I think that her association with Bush is going to be enough of a turnoff for most people. McCain probably would do better picking someone who isn't as closely associated with Bush as a VP.

Matt P said...

I agree that the association with President Bush could be very detrimental to the Republican bid for the presidency. This entire election has revolved around the candidates separating themselves from this regime, and to bring in one of Bush's top aides as a vice president could be damaging. As much as I disagree with the Bush Administration, there is no denying that Ms. Rice is incredibly talented and intelligent. She just signed up with the wrong administration.

LMoss said...

There are pros and cons to choosing Condoleezza Rice for VP. A recent article on discusses McCain's lack of connection with the African American community within Arizona. This type of accusation could cause GOP African Americans to lean towards voting Democratic. Choosing Rice as his running mate may alleviate some problems and accusations along race lines.

However, it might be best for the Republican party to distance itself from the current administration. With high disapproval rating for the current president, it is probably best that McCain stays far away from the Bush administration.