Tuesday, April 22, 2008

McCain's financial trouble

According to the article McCain Exists Campaign Money Raise published on politico.com, McCain is abandoning fund raising as the primary financing source of his campaign and is taking taxpayers money along with RNC funding to further finance his presidential bid. His campaign’s finance report shows that he has raised only $72 million during the campaign (including March results) compared to Obama’s $236 million and Clinton’s $195 million. Since McCain will be very restricted in his finances, he is running a high risk of being greatly overspent by a future Democratic rival. Limited finances also can limit McCain’s ability to immediately react to attacks or gaffes of Democrats because he would not be able to run an expensive response ad or an attack ad. It also means that Republican nominee will have to focus his presence in limited most important media markets, which would leave other segments vulnerable to appeals exclusively by democrats.


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