Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Al Sharpton Endorses Hillary

According to Politico, the Reverend Al Sharpton has endorsed Hillary Clinton for President. Ben Smith, Politico's blogger on the Democratic nominating contest, writes:

Contrary to conventionally held wisdom and his own prior statements in support of Barack Obama, Rev. Al Sharpton threw his support behind Sen. Clinton in an unannounced campaign stop in Raleigh, North Carolina this morning. "After much thought and deliberation, I must rescind my support for Senator Obama," Sharpton asserted, "Although I still consider Barack a personal friend, I now know that Hillary Clinton is uniquely positioned to lead this country forward. I call upon all Democrats to make the right choice and acknowledge that Hillary is the only candidate who will be ready on day one."

Wow. Looks like Sharpton pulled a complete u-turn and even adopted Clinton's campaign talking points. Let's see if anyone cares.


JGoldman said...

I don't know if I would read to much into this one. Sharpton likes to be in the news and hasn't been much lately, frankly I'd guess he is endorsing her for that fact and that fact alone.

Chris Jones said...

I think that the fact that Sharpton initially chose to endorse Obama and then switched to endorse Hillary will massively reduce the impact such an endorsement will have. It seems that Hillary's strategy in the past few days has been one trying to emphasize that Obama won't win and perhaps strategically used the Sharpton announcement to help try to further this strategy.

Joe Piucci said...
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Joe Piucci said...

This was a joke. If you click on the word "here" at the end of the post, it will link to the wikipedia definition of april fools day.