Sunday, April 6, 2008

Clinton's Strategist Quits

Sen. Hillary Clinton's chief presidential campaign strategist, Mark Penn, has decided to quit his position. This comes after criticism due to his public relations firm's contacts with the Colombian government. He met to discuss a pending free-trade deal. The news was announced by Clinton's campaign. This past Friday, Penn acknowledged that he had in fact met with the Colombian ambassador to the United States earlier in the week. He claimed that the meeting was to discuss the pending U.S.-Colombia trade pact as Burston Marsteller's chief. Hillary Clinton has criticized this pact along with NAFTA along the campaign trail, causing unrest among her and her supporters. One supporter in particular, Governor Ed Rendell who has become a major backer for her in regards to the Pennsylvania primary on April 22, 2008, had greater criticism than others. He suggested today that Penn should leave Clinton's campaign. And thus, Mark Penn has decided to step down off of Hillary’s campaign. Since this has happened today, it will be interesting to see if/how this will affect her candidacy.

The article for this was found on

1 comment:

Andy said...

Her poll numbers have gone down since the Bosnia controversy. I think Penn's resignation will bring more publicity to the issue and her staff turnover. It might hurt her in polling, but I doubt it will have a significant impact on the Pennsylvania primary even though it should. This is bad timing for Clinton.