Tuesday, April 8, 2008

It's About Time the Nations Youth Speaks Up

Members of Generation X and Y have been criticized time and again for their apathy towards politics. People compare them to their politically active parents better known as the Baby Boomers. Baby Boomers rallied against the Vietnam war and fought for Civil Rights, yet the young adults of today have been largely absent from American politics. Many thought the war in Iraq would increase their political interest because young soldiers were going off to war. Yet, there were not demonstrations like those seen during the Vietnam War. While there are many reasons this occurred, again American's youth was criticized. Additionally, young Americans have had a dismal showing during election time. With low percentages showing up to vote, organizations have formed trying to mobilize the young vote. Yet, there has been little success and many politicians have targeted older age groups.

However, Barack Obama decided to attempt to mobilize these youngsters. Realizing the amount of strength young Americans had, Obama launched YouTube videos and websites that would appeal to youngsters. He encouraged the youth to persuade their parents to vote for him. His charisma speaks to the youth of this country and many kids and young adults are stepping up, encouraging their parents to vote Obama.

Is Obama the solution to youth political apathy? Will he finally bring life to a voice America has been waiting to hear from? Is the youth of America only motivated for the election? Will they disappear again come November?

There are a lot of unanswered questions, but it is nice to see the youth finally trying to make a difference.

For more information see:

MSNBC: Obama’s young backers twist parents’ arms

NY Times: Young Obama Backers Twist Parents’ Arms


Lara Petusky said...
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Lara Petusky said...

I've totally been harping on my parents, and had just sent them a link to Obama-North Carolina when i read this. My dad, who's voted Republican his entire life, is considering Obama. It feels like no minor achievement.