Tuesday, April 22, 2008

And nothing is truly changed...

With Clinton winning by exactly 10 points, the race is still up in the air. The 10 points seems to re-enforce that no progress has been made since March. It seems like the race will continue until the end of the primary season for Democrats in Puerto Rico. Republicans are very happy with the outcome of tonight because it does not give Clinton enough of a victory to validly claim that she deserves to be the nominee, but it was not small enough that Obama can claim the nomination. Clinton can claim a win is a win, but she did not win by a great enough margin to undoubtedly become the Democratic candidate. David Gergen, from CNN, points out that Obama is still in the lead ahead in the overall race for the nomination and that he is likely to hold that lead. So, then the question comes to whether super delegates will view Clinton as the better choice over Obama. And with that, we are back where we started, and the boredom of the last long and drawn out seven weeks seems to be continuing on until the convention in August. If you want to look for the bright side, (while the Democrats are not happy with the situation,) the Republicans are happy.

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