Tuesday, April 15, 2008


When Barack Obama suggested that those savages in small town America would stop being gun tauten, bible thumping, bigots if us civilized people who don’t live in fly over country would just give them high paying jobs, socialized medicine, and free grad school, he was being an elitist. Make no mistake about it; he thinks he is better then everybody else. I love all regions of this country. One thing that I have noticed is that there is a lot to be said for living in a small town. When I visit remote areas, I find that the people are often very kind and extremely intelligent. I can see why people might not want to live in a big city. Barack Obama could help his much-dissevered elitist image by mentioning once or twice that he transferred to Columbia College from Occidental College. It is not mentioned on his website and I don’t recall hearing him say it while on the stump. All I ever hear from him is something about how he is so much more qualified the Clinton and McCain because he majored in international relations at Columbia and that it was so difficult for him to pay off his student loans because he only went to the second best law school in the country. Someone should ask him if he went to Occidental College for two years. I bet he would say no for about a week and then he would say he used a poor choice of words and what he really meant to say was that he went somewhere for two years and then finally, he would stall while trying to persuade university presidents to let Occidental into the Ivy League.

1 comment:

Chris Jones said...

In response to the elitism claims about Obama, I thought John Stewart made a funny, albeit exaggerated, statement about the whole thing. His basic argument was the the President of the U.S. should think he/she is better than the average American because they are trying to hold the most important office in the country. While his intention is obviously comedic based, it does nonetheless raise an interesting point. I'm not saying hierarchies are a good thing but it is interesting to think about all of the various qualification we want potential presidents to meet while also being a person of the people.