Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Vivid Experience

One of the biggest headlines currently surrounding the election is CBS’s recent exposure of Clinton’s 1996 trip to Bosnia. While she described landed in Bosnia under sniper fire and having to duck into cars, the video reveals a rather peaceful landing scene where Hillary is greeting children. The youtube video (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8BfNqhV5hg4) also has an analyst from politico.com make an important point: the discrepancies in story bring to light whether Hillary’s emphasis upon experience should be taken with a grain of salt given how her views don’t seem to quite match up. While it would take some in-depth research to go through all of the various accusations made through the campaign, I do feel like rumors raised against Obama have usually been proven to be false or exaggerated (e.x. attending a Madrasa means he is a terrorist). He was upfront about things like his cocaine use and since then seems to have proven quite trustworthy despite the negative campaigning of the Clinton campaign.

Another additional article on the issue.


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