Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Clinton's Attacks

In watching the previous debates and run-ins between Obama and Clinton, I have been impressed with how Obama seems to not "drop" to Hillary's level. After talking with some of my friends, we were discussing how Hillary has continued to personally attack Obama and his policies. But to me it seems that Obama has been able to steer clear of the negativity that Clinton has been creating.

Maybe in part this has to do with the fact that Clinton had held a vast lead over Obama, and now the polls are almost equal, or Obama has actually pulled ahead in some. Is this really Hillary's only way to prove her strength?? I know in class we have talked about the problems that could occur if campaigns went negative, such as a decrease in voter turn out, so it will be interesting to see how this actually plays out.

As for me personally, I feel that Obama's choice not to join in with Clinton's negativity is actually making her look bad. To me it seems that she is appearing desperate and is looking for any means possible to regain some control and some sort of a lead. But in the end I feel that her negativity throughout the campaign cycle, will ultimately backlash and Obama will be the democratic candidate.

1 comment:

Jasmine Hernandez said...

I completely agree with your post. Althought they have both fighting each other, I do think Hilary has over done it. She looks desperate and it taking very cheap shots towards Obama. Her shots are hurting her campaign and she should learn how to take the higher road.