Sunday, March 30, 2008

Obama on the View

After going through this class and becoming more aware of campaign strategies, I thought it was interesting how Obama was featured on "The View" last week. After learning about political ads and how candidates now use public television to increase their appearance on tv without having to spend a lot of money buying ad time.

Obama appeared on "The View" last Friday, where they discussed the comments made by Rev. Wright. Obama rightfully defended him by saying that the comments were a little extreme, but also discussed some of the other more positive comments made in the past by the Reverend. When questioned whether this would show poor judgement on his part, he replied "I didn't have a research team during the course of 20 years to go pull every sermon he's given and see if there's something offensive that he's said." In essence, Obama defended Rev. Wright, but did agree that his words were "rightly offensive".

After discussing this topic in class on Tuesday, I found it interesting that even though it seems that this incident occurred a while ago, and Obama has already directly addressed the issues and dealt with them accordingly, that he still needs to appear on national television to address this issue. Also I am curious as to how much this incident is going to affect his campaign?

1 comment:

Matt P said...

I think this situation could haunt Obama throughout the presidential race (assuming he is elected as the Democratic Nominee). Politicians are heavily scrutinized and this Reverend was a top suppporter for Obama. The people whom a candidate associate with is almost as important as the candidate him\herself. People are still judging Obama's character and his relationship with this racist, ignorant Church leader brings into question the Senator's morals. Do I think this is fair? No, not necessarily. I don't think Obama should be judged solely on his relationships but I'm skeptical about Obama's knowledge of his supporter. I think Obama should have been aware of the views of this Reverend. I also think Obama did take the necessary steps by condemning the comments. It was important for him to separate himself from comments that are discouraging of a "united nation".