Sunday, March 9, 2008

Clinton and Obama as an "unstoppable force"

Bill Clinton said Saturday that a joint ticket pairing Hillary and Obama would be "almost unstoppable." He added that, in his view, Obama would win the "urban areas and the upscale voters" while Clinton claims "the traditional rural areas that we lost when President Reagan was president. If you put those two things together, you'd have an almost unstoppable force." That being said, he makes a great point. Being that the biggest concern with Obama is his lack of “experience,” I think that being vice president will set him up for a definite win during the next election. 

However, The Obama team has largely avoided making similar statements. Obama stated, "You won't see me as a vice presidential candidate, you know, I'm running for president." It’s obvious that Obama is not to keen on the idea of being vice-president at the moment. It’s understandable, but I truly think that the Clinton-Obama ticket would be ideal for our country at this moment. Mr. Clinton makes a strong point, and I really hope that we do in fact see this happen. Obama will get his chance the next time around, and will be better than ever after he gains his “experience.” What do you think? Is this the ideal situation or not??


LilyLuke said...

I agree that a Clinton/Obama ticket would be an excellent combination for the reasons Mr. Clinton described. While the Clintons seem very open to the idea of a joint ticket, I think Obama is resistant because he does not want to be imagined, even for a second as a Vice-President. His reactions to that question so far have clearly illustrated that Vice-President is NOT okay with him. Given his lack of experience, I almost automatically envision him under Mrs. Clinton's leadership. And I don't know what his rush is - he can have his time too. Maybe others feel the same way, and that's why Obama won't "settle" to even consider it just yet.

taylor said...

I agree with Obama's decision to not give up his bid for the presidency. He got into this race because he wants to lead our country as president, so why when he is leading in delegates does he have any reason to bow down to Hillary, just because Bill Clinton thinks it is a good idea. Of course Bill thinks it is a good idea, then his wife wins and he gets to live in the White House for possibly 8 more years.

Reauna said...

Have there been comments about Hillary being the vice president and Obama president?

LMoss said...

I do not agree that the Clinton/Obama ticket is the dream ticket. While I think it is great that the Democratic ticket has its first major African American and female candidate, I am not sure the country is ready for both of them on the same ticket. I am afraid that the Clinton/Obama ticket would not necessarily be the winning ticket. Also, it is hard for me to imagine the two working successfully together since they always seem to be at odds with one another. Yes, they are competing for a Presidential nomination, but I still do not see their styles blending.

On Obama's response to Bill Clinton's comments: I do not think Obama is out of line. He is currently amidst a heated race for the Democratic nomination. He should not cede and accept the idea of being Vice President yet. Accepting the idea of being Clinton's Vice President would be like Obama endorsing Clinton for President.