Monday, March 31, 2008

Gore's $300 Million Campaign

Al Gore is creating a $300 million campaign to get the issue of global warming as a higher priority in the nation’s political agenda. It will be a 3 year campaign and will include network TV advertising on popular shows, such as “American Idol.” He will fund this campaign with profits from his global warming book and movie, “An Inconvenient Truth” as well as with prize money from his share of the Nobel Peace Prize. One of the main goals of the campaign is to turn the climate crisis into one of the top issues in which voters make decisions. What I found interesting about this article was not that Gore is launching this campaign, but that most of the comments about the article were negative and seemed to disagree with this idea. With all the media attention that this issue has been getting, I have become more aware of global warming and definitely see it as an issue; however, many of the comments left on this article suggested that Gore is making global warming a bigger issue than it really is. One person says, “10 years from now everyone will deny they fell for Al Gore’s nonsense.” Another says, “Global warming is nothing but politics.” Do you guys agree that Al Gore is making climate change and global warming into a bigger issue than it really is…or is it an issue that deserves to be on the top of the list?

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