With the newly announced Kennedy endorsement of Barack Obama, speculation has arisen that the
Personally, I feel that while the Bill/Hillary duo is a strong part of the Hillary campaign, and has certainly helped Hillary in many ways, Bill’s presence has been hindering her as of late for the afore mentioned reasons. Hillary, as a woman, may be unfairly looked upon as an individual who needs her husband to do her dirty work because she cannot stick up for herself. I don’t believe that is the case, but she is the only candidate at the moment who has allowed her spouse to retain such a prominent role in the campaign. Bill needs to gain a hold on his emotions, take a step back from the forefront of the campaign, or at the very least give up his “bad cop” persona.
The Kennedys’ Endorsement of Obama:
The Today Show’s Take on
While I agree with your argument that Bill has hurt the campaign, I don't agree on the issue of control. I think that these outbursts have been very carefully calculated by the former President. I recently heard an interview with George Stephanopoulos, one of the architects of the 1992 campaign, who thought at least 75% of the statements were planned. In any case, they have definitely backfired for the time being. The question I have is whether or not it is a long-term strategy to turn this into an election of race. History would say that white wins that battle. Let's hope that a former President would not sink to this level.
I believe that Hillary was depending on Bill for a few votes since Bill has continually been more popular than Hillary during their time in politics together. His less than diplomatic attacks toward the Obama campaign couldn't have helped his supporters continue to believe in the man they thought was one of the most successful Presidents of this generation. I wish we could say that the 2008 Presidential election will get nicer, but in the next 10 or so months, we're going to be seeing a lot more of the negative, smearing campaigns that seem to only come out during heated elections.
I don't know that it was necessarily Bill Clinton's recent comments that caused damage to Hillary's campaign, or whether it was an effect of the demographic make up of South Carolina. Nonetheless, I do agree that he contributed to the choice of Kennedy to endorse Obama, and also with the sentiment that his overly eminent presence in Hillary's campaign makes some uncomfortable. Whether his statements are planned or not, or whether he is simply being a supportive spouse, he needs to take a step back and let Hillary be the dominant figure in her campaign.
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