Monday, January 28, 2008

Obama, Ted Kennedy and the Latinos

Obama received Ted Kennedy’s endorsements today. What I found interesting while reading various news sources today of the endorsement from Ted Kennedy is that more than once it was suggested that his endorsement “will help Obama with traditional Democratic groups where Clinton has been strong – union households, Hispanics and downscale worker.”


Being that I am second generation Mexican American, I am trying to think of how this endorsement will help with Latinos. My dad and his siblings overwhelmingly supported Obama before the endorsement. They lived through the JFK presidency as children, but what about those Latinos that didn’t? I mean those specifically that arrived during the massive immigration of the 1980s.


In the polls, Latinos prefer Hillary. I am thinking it is because they witnessed the Clinton presidency of the ‘90s. I do not think many Latinos that naturalized in the U.S. and are registered voters know the history behind the Kennedy family. I also think racial tension plays a factor and more so with those who have not been here long.


I do not know how significant endorsements are in attracting votes, but I am curious about the results of Super Tuesday, especially those from California.


Ted Kennedy will be campaigning for Obama throughout Arizona, New Mexico and California. I am looking forward to the Spanish-speaking media’s coverage of Ted Kennedy campaigning and the effect it has. Today both Obama and Kennedy were interviewed by and Spanish reporter at Univision, Spanish television station.


I didn’t find any article focusing on the connection between Ted Kennedy and Latinos. These two articles I borrowed snippets from for my post:

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