Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Edwards is out. Who benefits?

This morning Democratic Presidential Candidate John Edwards dropped out of the race. Edwards, who failed to win a primary and finished third in his home state of South Carolina never really gained much traction. The real question is, where do his votes go?
Some argue that Edwards represented the anti-Hillary vote and therefore a lot of his votes will go to Obama. Others believe that Edwards was splitting the white votes with Clinton and with him out, Hillary picks up a solid block of votes. His votes will probably split between those two (though I'm sure that pollsters could breakdown by state and Congressional district what this does) and therefore they become moot.
If this race remains undecided by the convention an Edwards endorsement could be the deciding facotr in the race. Thus making him the kingmaker for the Democrats. If Edwards endorses the eventual winner he will probably be the next Attorney General.
The Politico has a good port-mortem of the Edwards campaign.

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