Thursday, January 31, 2008

The Dark Side Of "The High Road"

Wednesday, Obama used Hilary Clinton's continued use of husband's image of a bridge to the future against her. He said that another Clinton presidency would be a step back to the past: "I know it is tempting — after another presidency by a man named George Bush — to simply turn back the clock, and to build a bridge back to the 20th century ... It's not enough to say you'll be ready from Day One — you have to be right from Day One." Hilary often claims she's better prepared to govern with her husband, who pledged during his own presidency to build a bridge to the 21st century.

"That certainly sounds audacious, but not hopeful," said Clinton, in a play on the title of Obama's book, "The Audacity of Hope." "It's not hopeful and it's not what we should be talking about in this campaign. I would certainly, through you, hope we could get back to talking about the issues, drawing the contrasts that are based in fact that have a connection to the American people," Clinton said.

She then assured voters that she would take "The High Road" in these matters. I assume that means she will continue to use just as much word play to get in a smiling insult ever time her abilities are questioned rather than disputing the claims made against her.

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